ZYN Side Effects

Understanding the possible side effects of ZYN pouches is important for anyone considering using them. While there are many pros to making the transition to nicotine pouches from cigarettes and other traditional tobacco products, it’s important to understand the impact that nicotine can have on your body.  

This guide is not intended to scare you off nicotine pouches – far from it! Our aim here is to promote a greater awareness of responsible nicotine consumption and help you recognize potential red flags before they become a problem.  

Whether you experience any of these side effects will depend on how much nicotine you consume, as well as your general health and genetic makeup. We urge you to read through the following list and familiarize yourself with some of the side effects, so you know when to scale back your nicotine consumption or seek medical advice.

What Are the Side Effects of ZYN Pouches?

In case you find yourself wondering, “what is ZYN?” We should start by clarifying that they’re small pouches containing flavored/unflavored nicotine, meant for adults who want to enjoy their nicotine without tobacco or having to light up a cigarette. You place one of these pouches between your top lip and gum where the nicotine (either 3mg or 6mg per ZYN) is gradually absorbed for up to an hour. 

Too much nicotine can lead to some uncomfortable side effects though. Let’s work our way through them, from head to toe, so you know what to look out for when using nicotine pouches like ZYN. 

Headaches from nicotine pouchesHeadaches from nicotine pouches


Overuse of ZYN has been known to cause headaches in some people. This could be because your blood vessels constrict when using nicotine or that consuming excessive amounts of nicotine can be dehydrating. Keep an eye out for:

  • Cluster headaches (if you have several a day);
  • Tension headaches (if you feel a tightness or pressure in the head);
  • Migraines (if you experience a severe throbbing pain that affects your vision, and you’re suddenly sensitive to light and noise). 

These may also be a sign of nicotine dependency if you’re going through withdrawal symptoms. Check out our guide for nicotine headaches if you’re unsure how to deal with them. 

Anxiety & nicotine addictionAnxiety & nicotine addiction

Anxiety and Nicotine Addiction

Many people say that they turn to nicotine for relief when they feel stressed, but the irony here is that too much nicotine can end up increasing your levels of stress and anxiety. This is because nicotine is partly a stimulant and your brain can easily become dependent on increased levels of:  

  • Dopamine (the feel-good hormone);
  • Serotonin (a mood regulator); 
  • Adrenaline (your instinctive “fight or flight” response).  

Without realizing it, some people may up their consumption to a point where they find themselves with a nicotine addiction – building a certain tolerance to nicotine, so they feel like they need more milligrams to achieve the same effect.

If you start to consume less nicotine or choose to cut it out completely, it’s also totally normal to feel depleted from the “highs” of before. Symptoms can include worrying more than usual, rapid thinking, irritability or low mood and difficulty concentrating. 

The good news is that these symptoms will ease the longer you stay away from nicotine or regain control of your consumption. Nicotine should only ever be used in moderation and never at the expense of your mental health.  

Gum disease from nicotine pouchesGum disease from nicotine pouches

Gum Disease

The placement of nicotine pouches under your top lip means your mouth is naturally the most exposed to nicotine. Heavy ZYN use over time can increase your risk of gum disease and receding gums (where bits of tissue are worn away and the root of your tooth is more exposed).

Nicotine also has a dehydrating effect, so do consult your dentist if you feel like chronic dry mouth is becoming an issue for you. That being said, you shouldn’t experience the same level of teeth discoloration as smokers or snus-users, thanks to ZYN’s all-white pouches.

If you start to get irritated gums from ZYN, we recommend switching it to the other side of your mouth. You should also avoid moving the pouch around too much when in use, since the rubbing can cause abrasions.  

Sore throat from nicotine pouchesSore throat from nicotine pouches

Sore Throat

Nicotine pouches have been known to cause sore throats – with some people going so far as to call it “ZYN throat.” At first you might feel a burn or a tingle as the nicotine is released from the pouch, which is totally normal. This could, however, progress to more scratchiness in the throat, heartburn or even acid reflux if you swallow too much ZYN spit.

This is generally more of an issue for Strong and Extra Strong pouches, but we can’t rule it out for ZYN’s 3mg and 6mg assortment as nicotine affects people differently and will depend on your level of experience/tolerance. 

Hiccups from nicotine pouchesHiccups from nicotine pouches


There have been some instances of ZYN causing “nic-ups,” or hiccups triggered by nicotine. While not inherently dangerous, these can certainly get annoying after a while – especially if they happen too often.

One of the possible causes is thought to be swallowing too much nicotine rather than letting it absorb through the oral mucosa, or your mouth lining. This can stimulate the phrenic nerve and lead to contractions or spasms in your diaphragm (where the “hic” sound comes from). 

This reaction is not so common among regular ZYN users, but still, some people may be more prone to hiccupping than others and you should consider your own sensitivity here. 

High blood pressure from nicotine pouchesHigh blood pressure from nicotine pouches

High Blood Pressure

If you have a history of heart problems or high blood pressure, you really shouldn’t be using products, like ZYN, that contain nicotine.

Nicotine releases adrenaline which is known to increase your heart rate and can be dangerous if you have hypertension or any other pre-existing cardiovascular conditions. 
As the active ingredient in cigarettes, we also know that nicotine causes a narrowing/hardening of the arteries and can lead to serious health complications over time.

If you start to experience heart palpitations or an irregular heartbeat, it could be a sign of nicotine poisoning and you should get in touch with a doctor immediately. 

Nausea from nicotine pouchesNausea from nicotine pouches

Stomach Pain and Nausea

Nicotine stimulates the production of stomach acid, so if you consume too many ZYNs too quickly or over-do it in terms of the strength of those pouches, it may lead to some aching, cramping and general queasiness.

In extreme cases, it may even have a laxative effect and cause diarrhea.  

Are There Long-Term Side Effects of Using ZYN?

It’s too soon to say whether nicotine pouches have any negative long-term side effects since they’ve only been around the last 10 years or so in the US. Naturally, researchers are keen to better understand the smokeless category and it’s attracting a lot of medical attention now as more people make the switch to ZYN and other brands.

What we can say with certainty is that anyone who exposes themselves to cigarette smoke is also being exposed to thousands of cancer-causing toxicants with every puff. Meanwhile, ZYN is smoke-free and tobacco-free, so will not pose the same sort of respiratory health risks.

The important thing to remember here is that being tobacco-free doesn’t mean totally risk-free.

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms listed above on a regular basis, you should consult a doctor and try to lower your nicotine intake or quit nicotine pouches entirely. A
s with any addictive substance, don’t be afraid to reach out for help either if you feel like nicotine is taking a toll on your life or you need support cutting back. 

Steps to Use ZYN ResponsiblySteps to Use ZYN Responsibly

Steps to Use ZYN Responsibly

The golden rule when it comes to how many ZYNs a day is to listen to your body. Everybody has their own reaction to a pouch and will be able to handle more or less nicotine based on their height, weight, general health, etc. There's no right or wrong here. 

We do have some basic tips you can keep in mind though, when using ZYN, to avoid most (if not all) of these side effects: 

  • Never use more than one ZYN at a time. The pouches are intended to be used individually and there are 15 portions in every can. The same goes for “dual use” – you shouldn’t consume more than one source of nicotine simultaneously (i.e. don’t vape with a ZYN).

  • Go for a lower dose of nicotine. If you’re tossing up between 2 different strengths, start with less milligrams per pouch and only go stronger if you feel like you have to. 
  • Drink water. Make sure to keep your fluids up since too much nicotine can be dehydrating and lead to headaches, dizzyness, etc. 
  • Set yourself limits. Get to know how many ZYNs you consume on a typical day and try to stick to that number (or less). 
  • Don’t forget to take breaks. Wait 1-2 hours before replacing a ZYN to give your body time to process the nicotine in between pouches. 
  • Learn to recognize your cravings. By identifying how nicotine cravings affect you before they become a problem, you can come up with non-nicotine-based strategies to take your mind off ZYN (i.e. chewing gum or going for a walk). 

ZYN Side Effects FAQ

  • Yes. ZYN contains nicotine which is known to increase heart rate, blood flow and blood pressure. If you have any cardiovascular conditions, it’s not advised to use ZYN or any other nicotine products, for that matter.
  • Some customers say they experience hiccups or “nic-ups" from using ZYN. Hiccups are not necessarily dangerous, but they can be disruptive. If this starts to happen to you a lot, it could be a sign that you’re consuming too much nicotine. We recommend cutting back in terms of the number of pouches you have per day and/or the (mg) strength of your pouches.
  • While not as bad as snus or smoking, ZYN doesn’t do your gums any favors – increasing your risk of gum disease and other dental issues (like dry mouth, cavities or receding gums) if not used in moderation. The same risks to your teeth and oral health apply for all brands of nicotine pouch.
  • Nicotine is an active ingredient that has a tendency to burn or tingle as it interacts with your saliva when you first put a ZYN in place. This sensation is linked to the pouch’s nicotine release, as well as its pH level. Both can easily irritate the delicate tissues in your mouth, especially if you’re not used to the feeling. This is why we hold ourselves to certain testing standards that say nicotine should not exceed 20mg per pouch and pH levels should fall between 5.6 and 9.1 on the pH scale. If the burning persists, please consult your doctor.