Transition from Tobacco Products to Nicotine Pouches

Why You Should Transition from Tobacco Products to Nicotine Pouches


The world keeps developing. Over time, with the help of technology, there are so many new ways to get your nicotine experience. If you are considering switching from tobacco to tobacco-free, you are not alone. But it can be tricky to know where to start and you may have lots of questions. What even are nicotine pouches? How do I find the right product for me? We walk you through important things to consider when switching and help you navigate your options.

Why Should You Transition Away from Tobacco Products?

Nearly 40 million U.S. adults still smoke cigarettes. Unfortunately, over half a million Americans die prematurely due to smoking or secondhand smoke exposure and 16 million live with severe smoking-related illnesses. This costs the U.S around $225 billion every year. 

Transitioning from tobacco, especially smoking, to smoke-free and tobacco-free alternatives is a way to help fix these statistics. 

What are the Benefits of Choosing Nicotine Pouches?


  • They can be used anywhere. As nicotine pouches are smoke-,vape, -spit and tobacco-free, they are a way for you to enjoy your nicotine experience without disturbing others.
  • They are discreet. Only you know it is there as the pouches fit discreetly under your lip while delivering an intense burst of flavor and nicotine.
  • They provide an enjoyable nicotine experience. Nicotine pouches come in an array of flavors, some of which you are probably familiar with (like wintergreen and cinnamon).
  • There are no tools required. Nicotine pouches do not require a spit cup, battery, charger or even lighter to get them started. Just park a pouch in your mouth to get the nicotine experience underway.
  • They are convenient. You don’t have to step away, go outside or take a break to use them. Just tuck it in and carry on about your day.


Are there Differences Between the Different Nicotine Pouch Brands?


The category of nicotine pouches keeps evolving, but some of the most popular brands in the U.S. include ZYN, On!, VELO, Rogue and Juice Head. 



Nicotine pouches tend to have noticeable differences from brand to brand in relation to pouch size, nicotine strengths, flavor, packaging, number of pouches and how long they last. 


Between brand to brand, the size of the pouch can vary. For example, if you like a bigger pouch, Rogue are perfect but if you like a barely-there slim pouch, then On! pouches are probably a better fit for you. 


Nicotine Strength

Don’t let size fool you when it comes to nicotine pouch strengths. Some of the smallest pouches can pack the biggest punch. Nicotine pouches can be found in different nicotine strengths, ranging from around 2mg all the way to 15mg, and is either synthetic nicotine or tobacco-derived (but does not contain tobacco leaf). 



There are so many different flavors to pick from, including unique blends, or you can even get unflavored nicotine pouches. As there are so many flavors, there is a flavor for every nicotine pouch user.



Most nicotine pouches come in a round can, similar to a can of dip, but there are still other shapes. For example, On! nicotine pouches come in a more rectangular can. 

Most packaging is plastic or metal, and the majority of cans have a built-in pouch catcher compartment to put used pouches in for mess-free disposal. 


Number of Pouches

The number of pouches per can varies from brand to brand. On average, most cans have around 20 pouches, but brands such as ZYN have 15 pouches in each can.


How Long Pouches Last

Each pouch will give effective nicotine release until a certain time. The amount of time each pouch is effective for will vary from brand to brand. Some brands, such as FRE will offer a different speed and duration of nicotine experience compared to ZYN nicotine pouches.


How Effective are Nicotine Pouches?


Whether the nicotine pouch contains tobacco-derived nicotine or synthetic nicotine, nicotine pouches offer a nicotine experience similar to tobacco products. However, unlike the majority of tobacco products, you can pick the nicotine strength and customize your experience.


How to Use Nicotine Pouches

Using nicotine pouches is simple, just follow these steps:

  1. Open the can. Gently lift the lid open. If you pop the can open too quickly, there is a chance you may make it rain nicotine pouches!
  2. Place the Pouch in Your Mouth. Place the pouch between your upper lip and gum.
  3. Enjoy. Sit back and enjoy the nicotine experience for anywhere between 10-60 minutes - you are in control of how long you want the pouch in. To release additional flavor, you can remoisten the pouch by shifting the pouch around your mouth (just make sure not to swallow it!)
  4. Throw Away the Pouch. Once you have finished with the pouch, it is important you properly dispose of it. You can get rid of your nicotine pouch by either putting it in the pouch-saver compartment or in the nearest trash can.  


Are There Any Other Things I Should Know About Nicotine Pouches?


By now you know that nicotine pouches are a more convenient and discreet way to enjoy nicotine compared to tobacco products. You also know they are available in a variety of sizes, flavors and strengths which can make for a customizable experience. 


However, one frequently asked question is “Will nicotine pouches stain my teeth?” 

Tobacco products are known to stain your teeth. However, nicotine pouches do not have this issue. They are all white, meaning they are way less likely to stain your teeth. 


It is also important to remember the obvious: nicotine is a highly addictive chemical, with or without tobacco. So always keep that in mind. 

Quitting tobacco is never easy, but knowing you can nicotine kick without having to compromise quality or taste is definitely a help.